1. Who are you ?
I'm Aizu. I'm a full stack developer, system architect, tech infrastructure manager, project manager and IT department-in-a-box person. Check me out at
https://aizu.my2. Why you build this ?
To help me myself, my fellow tech support & also frontend developer / tester.
3. If it is free, why I need to pay ?
It is free. Yes, free to use. Don't feel obligation to pay, as this is an option for serious use for browser info for tech support. See this page for the features. Also, the one-time payment are actually contribution for me to continue this project, pay the domain name,
Linode machine & other billings.
4. How long this service going to exist ?
As long as I can pay the domain name ($10 per year from Porkbun). My target budget as long as running for 10-years ahead (until year 2035). Will try to raise fund for 10-years cost, including the
Linode machine.
5. Can we reach out to you ?
But why ? Haha! - Yeah, can reach out to me at
[email protected]6. What are the stack behind the scene ?
Well, all the libraries are open source. At the moment (as of 2023);
- This page hosted in Linode (register here - referral)
- Bought the domain from Porkbun (register here)
- Manage domain in Cloudflare
- Frontend using NextJS
- Tailwind CSS
- NodeJS Express API, used for internal database access
- Using self-host MongoDB as database (maybe one day going to move to Mongo Atlas if financially permits)
- The UA parser at the moment is UA-Parser-JS. But, I probably make my own parser one day, to include the CH feature together. At the moment, CH are parsed by myself.
- Other then that, the dictionary and internal data are collected here & there, including provided by GPT-4.
7. I'm using Vivaldi, but why it says I'm using Chrome ?
Apparently, Vivaldi browser are using Chrome User Agent string. So, technically it is not wrong. There is no clue so far to 'guess' Vivaldi via UA or CH. If you have any idea, please let me know.